Friday, February 21, 2020

12A Revised

The segment selected for further examination is professionals over 50 for The Legacy Co. and couples that have owned dobermans in the past for Florida Dobermans respectively.

Julie-The Legacy Co.

Julie is 55 and is from Tampa, Florida. She wants to retire early but is concerned that based on current figures early retirement may be difficult. On her 55th birthday and reminded of her mortality, Julie decided to double back for a closer look at her retirement goals and accounts. She realized that she needs to boost earnings to be able to retire in 5 years rather than 10. Julie set out to research her options online by searching "investments" "safe investments" high yield investments" and did not discuss this with her family.

Julian-The Legacy Co.

Julian is post-retirement and is also from Tampa, Florida. Being retire his current arrangement provide sustenance but does not allow him to cruise annually which is his goal. Julian is moderately experienced with investing as he has made building his stock portfolio over the years a hobby. He owns his home and a small rental property. Julian is not computer literate and has just been "keeping an eye out" for investment opportunities. Due to a desire to keep financial info private, Julian did not discuss this with his family.

Jim and Donna-Florida Dobermans

After years of living with a DDR Shepard in Gainesville, FL and being unsatisfied, they have decided they want another doberman. They most recently tried a different breed and after much investment in protection training are not happy with the lack of balance between work drive and stability. They used to breed dobermans in the 80's after decades of having only cocker spaniels. They retired and wanted to train up a family guardian. In their experience the DDR shepard has a a strong work drive but lacks the stability required to take her public places. They know dobermans will work with maximum intensity but will also be confident enough to be at ease in public settings. Jim and Donna searched online for "doberman puppies" "European doberman puppies" and "doberman puppies for sale. They have discussed this with their family.

David and Rose-Florida Dobermans

After losing their much loved companion Aries, they decided they want another doberman but want to be diligent in making sure their next pet is free of the genetic disorders that plagued Aries. David and Rose searched "doberman puppies" "health tested dobermans" and "dcm clear dobermans". They also discussed their search with family.

We have found that there is a real demand for the services offered by both The Legacy Co. and Florida Dobermans.

I would say these segments are aware of their needs. Most use the internet to find what they are looking for but some customers do not conduct their research online.

1 comment:

  1. Cory, excellent work done with your interviews and I felt like there was a lot of information there to take out of. Everyone loves dobermans, especially Floridians who are retired and live in nice neighborhoods. Great work!
